Umich Closet

retail clothing company with a carefully curated collection of rare vintage University of Michigan pieces

Featured Bestsellers

Princess Crewneck

Princess Crewneck

A plaid embroidered bestseller with a burgundy mockneck and a gold, green, blue, and burgundy color theme. The princess crewneck is a one of kind, true vintage piece. These distinct colors set it apart from other pieces of clothing and create an illustrious and warm atmosphere

Earth Crewneck

Earth Crewneck

This gem has rich earth tones and is furnished with a large michigan seal in the middle. These colors allow this piece to have a more relaxed atmosphere and the oversized fit truly allows for this piece to grow on anyone.

Vintage Windbreker

Vintage Windbreaker

This lightweight yet warm golden embroidered windbreaker is perfect for representing the University of Michigan and staying warm. The unique graphics on the side and bold color pattern set this item apart from other windbreakers.

Legend of Korra Crewneck

Legend of Korra Crewneck

This wonderful grey vintage crewneck is simple yet highly ornate with its embroidered details, making it worthy of being a featured item. The green tones in the block M allow for this piece to come across as sofisticated and unique.

Two-Faced Crewneck

Two-Faced Crewneck

This crewneck is vibrant and rich in its tones but what makes it truly unique is that it has beautiful graphics on the front and back of the sweatshirt. The sweatshirt also features a beautiful yellow contrasting outline.

Ivy Circlet Crewneck

Ivy Circlet Crewneck

This crewneck reflects the rich and regal history of the University of Michigan. It's simple yet elegant embroidery makes it stand out from the rest. The oversied fit of his piece makes it perfect for days spent studying inside or outside.